The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry in Salus offers diagnostic and therapeutic services to a wide range of patients with problems and pathologies of the mouth, head and neck region. The department deals with the diagnosis and therapy of neoplastic (tumor), functional, traumatological pathologies. With 10 years of experience, this department is dedicated to the correction of craniomaxillo-facial deviations and dysmorphoses of the head region. Orthodontics as a service provided by our orthodontic specialists of the department, closely cooperates with maxillo-facial surgeons.

Interventions are performed under general anesthesia and with full confidence in the success of the intervention. Salus Hospital owns 3D X-ray equipment (dentascan spiral TAC) for implantological and orthodontic surgical needs

Surgical correction of trauma to the face, mouth and dento-maxilla-facial region
Correction of tumoral and congenital malformations of the face and mouth (Labiopalato schizi)
Orthognathic surgery for the correction of malocclusions and malformations
Orbital surgery
Advanced oral and implant surgery
Diagnosis and therapy of Arc.Temporo-Mandibular problems
Distraction (osteogenetic repositioning) of the facial and jaw bones
Surgery of inflammatory pathologies of the jaws and face
Salivary gland surgery
Reconstructive microsurgery of bones, soft tissues, nerve tissues
Dental prosthesis
Oral pathology
Sedation for uncooperative patients
Oral and professional hygiene
Pediatric dentistry

Types of surgeries:
  Benign and malignant tumors
Cervicofacial oncological pathologies constitute one of the greatest challenges of the oro-maxilla-facial surgeon. The treatment of tumors of the head and neck region requires a multidisciplinary approach and a synergy of common objectives between several professionals such as the oromaxillofacial surgeon and the oncologist, radiotherapist, otorhinolaryngologist, microsurgeon, psychologist or physiotherapist.

An elective place among the pathologies of the cranio-maxilla-facial district is certainly occupied by traumatology.

A craniofacial malformation is an abnormality of embryonic development that results in an alteration of the bones, jaws and overlying soft tissues. Three quarters of the malformations diagnosed at birth fall into the category of craniofacial malformations.

  Retained teeth and cysts
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to emerge in the dental arches. Their eruption occurs around the age of 17 to 25 years. One of the risks of retained teeth is that, being retained, they can still become infected and cause pain, cause problems to the anatomical structures that are around or even be the etiological factor of jaw cysts.

  Orthognathic surgery
Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, is that branch of maxilla facial surgery that enables the correction of a wide spectrum of deformities or skeletal abnormalities of the face and teeth. It is one of the main sectors of an oro maxillofacial department. With interventions of this type, the total correction of the occlusion is possible, the aesthetics of the face are significantly improved, and at the same time functional problems related to mastication, phonation and breathing are also corrected.

  Apena nocturne
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a clinical situation characterized by a large number of obstructions of the upper airways such as smoking, alcohol, various medications or facial skeletal abnormalities that are all risk factors for the appearance of OSAS. . Evidence of these obstructive episodes is associated with a decrease in oxygen saturations in the blood and an increase in CO2. The patient is not aware of obstructive episodes, however, he suffers during the day the consequences of a non-restorative sleep: drowsiness, difficulty in concentration, decreased libido, irritability and even personality alteration. These patients have an increased risk of 4 to 8 times for traffic incidents or in heavy work, as well as the consequences in the cardiovascular system with hypertension, heart attack and stroke. The diagnosis is established on the basis of specific sleep quality examinations such as polysomnography. The latter enables the counting of obstructive events in 1 hour: more than 3 events in an hour constitutes the aggravated form of apnea where the risk of cardiovascular incidents is increased, which makes the treatment of this category of patients very necessary and urgent. The therapeutic approach is multidisciplinary, and varies based on the severity and type of case. We can mention in a special way some types of treatments listed below:

The use during sleeping hours of special devices such as CPAP, which in more detail is a device that enables continuous respiratory assistance by means of a facial mask
In the mildest forms, endoral mandibular repositioning devices can be used which, by advancing the mandible, enable the opening of the first airways of the oropharynx area and behind the root of the tongue
An alternative which is efficient in 80 to 95%, and never brings relapses of respiratory problems is the surgical intervention of bimaxillary advancement. Through intervention we can achieve an advance of up to 10 mm. After the intervention, which is a completely endo-oral procedure, the patient can eliminate assistive devices during sleep such as CPAP.

Conscious endovenous sedation is a technique that allows us to overcome dental interventions without feeling anything and above all without remembering anything. This brings us many advantages because by administering sedation we can manage patients who are uncooperative, especially patients who suffer from down syndrome or odontophobic children. Sedation poses no risk and has no side effects when performed by a professional anesthesiologist. Before undertaking such a procedure on any patient, we must first perform some preoperative examinations such as ALT, Hemogram, Creatinine, opt, etc. An intervention with sedation always requires the presence of a specialized anesthesiologist who is able to monitor all the patient's vital parameters during the entire process: arterial pressure, heart rate, saturation.

Sedation is different from total anesthesia as the patient during the entire session with sedation breathes normally unassisted by the machine, so we do not need nasotracheal intubation.
Secondly, the postoperative recovery time is also shorter.
Thirdly, during sedation we always need to be assisted with local anesthetic injections, as we would during a normal session at the dentist.
There are no specific contraindications, so it can be used in the case of pediatric or adult odontophobic patients as well as in patients with rare pathologies.
Sedation is really suitable for a wide range of age groups. All pediatric patients from 4 to 14 years old can undergo it. The protocol for children is different:

Medications are injected based on weight
The intervention time is shorter
  Implant surgery and prosthesis
Implantology is the branch of surgery that deals with the replacement of lost teeth in the arches, with biocompatible titanium screws that are placed inside the jawbones at the level of the arches.

Today's surgical techniques have enabled totally painless interventions and a total return of function and aesthetics. Placing a bone implant protects the bones of the edentulous areas of the jaws from atrophy, which results from the lack of masticatory function. The dental implant is composed of 3 parts: a titanium screw which is firmly screwed into the jaw bone, a titanium pilaster and a ceramic crown.

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