The Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation at Salus is in charge of all surgical and supportive patient needs. It consists of two services, that of Anesthesia and Reanimation. The Anesthesia Service at Salus Hospital offers 4 (four) anesthesia alternatives which are: 1. General Anesthesia, 2. Loco-regional Anesthesia, 3. Sedative Anesthesia, 4. Laryngeal Mask Anesthesia (LMA).

The Reanimation Service offers all intensive and medicinal support for patients with cardiac, respiratory, renal, infectious, neurological pathologies. This intensive care unit is equipped with modern mechanical ventilation devices, invasive and non-invasive monitoring of the patient's vital parameters and sufficient medication support for the patients' pathologies.

This service includes all types of anesthesia such as:
General anesthesia (is a condition of temporary controlled loss of consciousness, which is achieved with the drug combination, as a result of which amnesia, analgesia and muscle relaxation are established, necessary for the implementation of surgical interventions.
Sedation or conscious sedation means: the loss of pain and the preservation of the patient's consciousness during the entire operation.
Regional (loco-regional) and local anesthesia means the loss of sensitivity, pain, and pain perception in the area where the intervention will be performed.
Pediatric anesthesia (ages 3-16 years)
Orthopedic anesthesia
Anesthesia for operations in general, urological, maxillo-facial, ENT, thoracic, dental, ophthalmic, gynecological, reconstructive plastic surgery.

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