The Department of Cardiology at Salus is directed towards the non-invasive treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. This service helps in the follow-up of patients with cardiovascular problems according to contemporary standard protocols for each pathology.

Some of the examinations offered are:
Resting electrocardiogram
Echocardiogram (M-mode, 2D, Doppler, Color Doppler, Tissue Doppler)
Test of Effort
Holter rhythm (24h, 48h)
Holter pressure

The specifics of these examinations:
  Resting electrocardiogram
The electrocardiogram (EKG) is the simplest and most frequent instrumental, cardiological examination that consists in the detection and transcription of the graph formed by the electrical impulses emitted by the heart. The waves recorded on paper or visualized on the monitor correspond to different moments of the cardiac activity (that is, of the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle).

ECG is an examination that provides a variety of information regarding the health of the heart, through an ECG the cardiac frequency and type of rhythm can be evaluated, the presence of conduction disorders, signs of ischemic disease and myocardial infarctions, electrolytic disorders, etc. . The use of this simple examination directs us to other cardiac screenings.

  Echocardiogram (M-mode, 2D/mode, Color Doppler, CW & PW Doppler, Tissue Doppler)
Echocardiography is a diagnostic imaging method that allows the evaluation of the anatomy of the heart and that gives us important information on the function of the heart. A transthoracic echocardiogram is performed by obtaining images from the energy of an ultrasound beam. These are emitted through a probe that rests on the chest and is directed by the doctor. The reflected waves are recaptured by the probe itself and sent to the sonographer who processes the signal and displays them on the monitor. In this way, the various cardiac structures (ventricles, atria, valves, etc.) and their movement during cardiac activity are evident. It is also possible to study the blood flow and its passage through the valves with Doppler and color-Doppler echocardiography, and it is also possible to evaluate the myocardial perfusion by means of Tissue Doppler.

It is a harmless examination, which lasts up to 30 minutes depending on the case. During the examinations, the patient is placed in a semi-sitting position, on the left side with the left arm raised. A large part of cardiac pathologies are evident in echocardiography, especially valvular pathologies, cardiomyopathies of various etiologies and ischemic cardiopathies. Irreplaceable is the diagnostic contribution that can be obtained in congenital cardiopathies in both children and adults. It can also give clear indications for the treatment of the patient and propose further diagnostic examinations.

This method has some limits (the benefit of non-optimal images) in obese people or in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, etc.

  Exercise Electrocardiogram (Exercise Test)
By electrocardiogram during exertion we understand the recording of an electrocardiogram during the development of a physical activity. It is normally performed on a treadmill. The strain or load of the test is gradually increased by constantly increasing the work rate. During the examination, the cardiac activity is kept under continuous control through the electrocardiogram monitor. Blood pressure is also monitored during work.
During the examination, special attention is also paid to the symptoms that the patient may exhibit and their relationship with possible changes in the electrocardiogram. This examination lasts 30-45 min, and is practiced in the outpatient service, which is equipped to deal with unexpected complications that may appear during exertion.

The examination can be interrupted at any moment by the doctor (clinical criteria and standardized arrest equipment exist) but also by the patient himself, depending on the patient's condition.

Compared to the normal basic ECG, this method provides more information as it forces the heart to increase its work activity and allows in this way the identification of pathologies that appear in a state of stress.

The heart diseases that are diagnosed by this examination are ischemic cardiopathy, especially angina pectoris, and it studies the functional abilities of the cardiovascular system, especially in patients with myocardial infarction after an acute episode.

  Holter rhythm (24h, 48h)
The 24 h and 48 h rhythm holter is an examination that consists in monitoring the heart rhythm during all 24 hours of the day or up to 48 hours, to identify rhythm disorders, conduction disorders or heart rhythm pauses, which cannot be recorded on the resting electrocardiogram (ECG).

  Holter pressure
The pressure holter is an examination that monitors arterial pressure for 24 hours, and serves to detect fluctuations in arterial pressure. This examination serves us to detect high or low blood pressure values that cannot be measured in random or ambulatory measurements of the patients themselves.

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