
Dr. Eugene Kulli



- From 1995 to 2001, he graduated in general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Tirana.
- From 2003 to 2009, he specialized in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Q.S.U.T "Mother TERESA".
- In the period March-April 2009, he completed specialization in digestive endoscopy with prof. Antonio Sedici at the San Filippo e Nicola hospital in Avvezzano, Italy.
- In the period April-July 2009, he completed a three-month digestive endoscopy course at Q.S.U.T "Mother Teresa".
-In November 2013, he completed a specialization in digestive endoscopy with prof. Thierry PONCHON, at the "Edouard Herriot" hospital, Lyon, France.
-From 2010 onwards, participant in the annual UEGW European congresses of gastroenterology, in the Summer School of Gastroenterology in Prague, twice in the European weeks of digestive endoscopy Brussels 2017 and Prague 2019, the seminar of Internal Medicine in Salzburg in July 2015, the world congress of digestive endoscopy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil March 2020


- From 2001 to 2003, General Practitioner in Shkodër.
- From 2003 to 2007, Doctor specializing in the service of Gastrohepatology, Q.S.U.T "Mother Teresa".
- Since 2007, gastrohepatologist at "Polyclinic 2" of Specialities, Tirana.
- Since 2008, endoscopist at the "Ikeda" (until 2010) and "Diplomat" clinics
- From 2007 to 2013, part-time emergency physician at the "Mother TEREZA" Internal Medicine Emergency, Tirana.
- Since 2015, part-time endoscopist near the "3 Stars" clinic, Tirana.
-In the period between 2011-2012, Doctor at the "American Hospital" Emergency
- In the period between 2015-2016, six months gastrohepatologist and endoscopist at the "Hygeia" Hospital.
- From September 2018 to the present, gastrohepatologist and endoscopist at Salus Hospital.