
Dr. Ened Kacorri


In October 2002-September 2007, Specialization in Urology, "Prof. Doc. Theodor Burghele" Hospital, Bucharest

In September 1996- December 2002, Diploma of General Physician, "Carol Davila" Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania

In October 1995-July 1996, preparatory course for learning the Romanian language

In September 1991-July 1995, General High School "At Shtjefen Gjecovi", Laç

September 2014 - Participates in "The 4th International Course and Workshop on Advanced Laparoscopy in Urology"

September 2014 - Participates in the Albanian Week of Urology, co-author in several references

September 2013 - Participates in the Albanian Week of Urology, author of the reference "Our Simple Experience in Prostate Biopsies"

May 2013- Participates in "ERA-EDTA 50-th Congress"

September 2012- Participates in the Albanian Week of Urology

December 2009 - Participates in the Pediatric Urology Seminar, Salzburg, Austria

September 2008-April 2011, Urologist near American Hospital I, Tirana

April 2011- November 2014, Urologist near American Hospital II, Tirana

December 2014-September 2018, Urologist at Hygeia Hospital, Tirana