In this procedure, the partner's (or donor's) sperm is placed in special petri dishes in the laboratory together with the collected eggs. After the embryo is formed, and after 2 to 5 days after its development, it is inserted into the uterine cavity by means of a special catheter and under the guidance of ultrasound.
Assumptions and therapeutic indications:
This method should only be used when the spermatozoa are of the best quality, otherwise the ICSI technique should be applied, more modern and more likely to succeed
Therapeutic indication
The IVF method is used in the presence of the following diagnoses
- The partner
Obstruction of the ovarian tubes
Psychosomatic disorders
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs)
- The partner
Normal spermiogram
Problems with ejaculation
During the treatment, the patient is prescribed hormones aimed at stimulating ovulation. To achieve this, it is necessary to perform intramuscular injections, which can also be done at home (every day, always at the same time and with the same amount of medication).
The treatment lasts about 10-15 days, depending on the stimulation protocol adopted and how the patient reacts to it. This response is monitored with ultrasound scans during the course of treatment.
When the follicles have reached the right size, it is possible to plan egg retrieval.
About 36 hours after receiving the last Gonal-F injection, the oocytes are retrieved from the patient. Taking them takes about 10-15 minutes (depending on the number of follicles). In the end, it is necessary for the patient to stay hospitalized for observation for a period of 30 minutes to 2 hours.
On the day scheduled for egg retrieval (pick-up), it is also necessary to take, by masturbation, a sperm sample from the partner, because the union of the sperm with the eggs takes place immediately after that.
It is also possible to submit the sperm sample one or several days before collection. In this case, cryopreservation (freezing) of spermatozoa is performed, for their melting at the moment of union.
With this method, the partner's sperm are placed in special petri dishes together with the collected oocytes. After union we wait 3 to 5 days and then the developed embryo is inserted into the uterine cavity using a catheter. After the embryo transfer, the so-called nesting phase begins, in which the embryo must be implanted in the uterus. This phase is usually supported by drugs (eg vaginal ovules, injections or even tablets).
About 14 days after the embryo transfer, you should take a pregnancy test (ß-HCG) in your blood or urine to see if you are pregnant or not.