Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the most widely practiced method of reproductive medicine and is also generally the least risky. However, it is not suitable for all problems related to infertility, but only in some specific cases.

This technique requires that the spermatozoa are previously collected by masturbation and treated in the laboratory through a specific procedure, from which a quantity of spermatozoa with high sperm motility (~98%) will be obtained. They are then inserted directly into the uterine cavity through a thin catheter at a precise moment, i.e. during the ovulation phase.

Depending on the therapeutic indication, the method can be used in the case of a spontaneous cycle or in the case of a stimulated cycle.

Assumptions and therapeutic indications:

To apply IUI, one of the basic prerequisites is the presence of a free ovarian tube. This condition can be checked by performing a hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. As for the partner, the Normozoospermia condition of the seminal fluid will have to be confirmed.

Therapeutic indication
In the presence of a spontaneous cycle, IUI is applied when the couple has one of the following diagnoses:
- The partner
Anatomical changes of the cervix
Psychosomatic disorders
- The partner
Normal spermiogram
Ejaculation dysfunction
Depending on the therapeutic indications and on the basis of the medical and personal situation of the couple, it will be agreed whether IUI will be performed during the normal cycle or whether the method should be supported by taking pills or giving hormonal injections.

Stimulation has the advantage of promoting oogenesis. However, it should be added that it can also cause multiple births at the same time. In addition, it must be determined whether to wait for spontaneous ovulation or whether to stimulate pharmacologically.

If spontaneous ovulation turns out to be the most reasonable solution, it will have to be determined with greater precision by performing a transvaginal echo and hormonal doses.

Normally, after 20-30 hours of the LH surge, IUI is performed.

Finally, the patient will need to lie down for 10-15 minutes after which she can resume normal daily life.