Department: Orthopedics

Surgical treatment of bone fractures

Fractures, or in other words broken bones, often occur due to trauma caused by sports injuries, road accidents or falls. But they can also be caused by insufficient bone density, osteoporosis or pathologies that weaken the bones. In cases where you suspect a fracture, you should definitely seek medical help.

Among the most common symptoms of fractures are pain, swelling, deformity. A bone fracture generally goes through these stages:

-In the beginning, a characteristic noise is heard when the trauma is verified. Swelling and pain appear in the damaged area.
-The pain increases in case of pressure or touch. The injured part may appear deformed, while in cases of severe fractures the bone protrudes from the skin (exposed fracture).
-Due to the state of shock from the fracture, there may be dizziness, fainting and vomiting.

👨‍⚕️Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Di Placido, Italian orthopedist specialized in arthroscopic interventions of the knee, shoulder, prosthetic knee and coxofemoral prosthesis and sports orthopedics has performed over 3000 prosthetic surgical interventions and over 2500 arthroscopic orthopedic surgical interventions.

📥 To book a consultation or for more information, write to us or contact us on the phone numbers:

📲+355 682053180 / + 42390500
📍Address: 16 Vidhe Gjata Street, Tirana