Department: Gastroenterology

Remove gallstones with the ERCP technique

Salus Hospital has successfully embraced every innovative method in the service of improving the quality of life, reducing pain, as well as the final solution of various pathologies.

ERCP is a mini-invasive endoscopic technique that has been applied for years in our hospital by a qualified team of doctors. This procedure is useful and irreplaceable in the diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic pathologies.

Dr. Gianmarco Bulighin, gastroenterologist-endoscopist with over 30 years of experience in the most famous hospitals in Italy and London, welcomes all patients who have problems and concerns with the digestive system at the Salus Hospital.

To book an appointment with Dr. Call Bulighin now on the contact numbers illustrated below:

📲+355 682053180 / +355 42390500
📍Address: 16 Vidhe Gjata Street, Tirana