Neurologists are medical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. There is a variety of neurological diseases, such as: Parkinson's disease, chronic migraines, meningitis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and others.
These diseases present with different symptoms, including paralysis of the hand or leg, dizziness or speech problems, muscle weakness or confusion.
Given this variety, neurological examinations include a wide range of tests that assess muscle strength, coordination and memory.
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Monti, neurologist, head of the Department of Neurology, professor at the Universities of Trieste and Udine, welcomes patients suffering from:
➡️Headache and migraine.
➡️Parkinson's disease.
➡️Sleep disorders.
➡️Diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system.
The exams that Prof. Dr. Monti performs:
➡️Neurological examination.
➡️Electromyography and electro-neurography.
➡️Testing for the assessment of mental deterioration (Alzheimer's, etc.).
➡️Testing for the diagnosis of depression.
Entrust your health to our experts by calling now to book an appointment.
📲+355 682053180 / +355 42390500
📍Address: 16 Vidhe Gjata Street, Tirana