
Check up i infeksioneve


Dita Botërore Kundër KANCERIT




Paketa për diagnostikimin e alergjive


Keni probleme me mishin e huaj?


Check up okulistik


Vuani nga sinusiti?Trajtoheni atë në Salus, me ekspertin ORL


Check up tiroide


Diagnostikimi i hershëm shpëton jetën!


Kontrolli i enëve karotide të qafës


Kryerja e gastroskopisë nga mjekë te kualifikuar italianë!


Kirurgjia e stenozës kurrizore


Trajtimi i patologjive onkologjike urologjike nga ekselenca e urologjisë italiane!


Allergological check up




Cardiology CHECK UP


Why Check Moles?


What Are Esophageal Varicose Veins and How Are They Treated?


Maxillofacial Surgery


General Check Up


Why Check Moles?


World Hemophilia Day



Do you have a problem with different allergies and want to find out?


Dr. Massimiliano Del Ninno


Full body scanner


Carotid artery surgery


Rheumatology Check Up


Dr. Eduart Shota


Dr. Giorgio Licitra


Cervical cancer, Prevention and early diagnosis!


Magnetic resonance of the knee (without contrast)


Get to know the first signs of food intolerance


Happy Eid al-Fitr!


Treat acne with the help of Prof. Dr. Andrea Artigiani D'Alpigiani


Do you have voice changes or difficulty chewing?


Department of Allergology


How are kidney stones treated?


Another success at Salus Hospital!


When is a colonoscopy performed?




Why should you choose SALUS to perform an ophthalmic visit or intervention?


Remove gallstones with the ERCP technique


Foreign meat in the nose


We take care of children with severe problems of psychomotor development


Maxillofacial Surgery at SALUS


World Autism Awareness Day


FREE ophthalmology visit


Prosthetic surgery in orthopedics




Self-care starts at Salus!


Do you suffer from migraines?


When is it necessary to perform a gastroscopy?


FREE ophthalmology visit, for patients over 45 years old!


When was the last time you checked your heart?


General Check Up


World DOWN Syndrome Day


Breath Test


World Oral Health Day


How does chemotherapy work?


Addiction to narcotic substances


Trust your health Dr. Massimiliano Del Ninno


Some of the successful cases performed by the Department of Maxillofacial surgery


What is endoscopic polypectomy?


Symptoms of hip joint calcification and treatment methods




Laparoscopic cholecystectomy


Parkinson's disease


Orthognathic surgery


Removal of gallstones with ERPC


What are nasal polyps and how is the treatment?


Protecting your brain is a priority!


Health is real wealth!


What do we mean by abdominal aorta?


What are the symptoms of stomach cancer and treatment methods?


Italian Orthopedics at SALUS


PREVENT TESTO Early diagnosis saves lives!


Outstanding surgeon in solving every challenge that appears in the field of otorhinolaryngology


Dr. Carlo Saltutti receives patients for visits and urological interventions


Prof. Dr. Costantino Zingaretti


When is the Coxo-Femoral Prosthesis Placed?


What is epilepsy (Ground Disease) and how is it treated?


Cataract Surgery


Which patients need maxillofacial surgery?


Do you suffer from Anemia?


Mini-invasive surgery for infertile patients


Skin and nail fungus


Excellence in the field of vascular surgery


Pediatric visit


Thyroid problems?


Dr. Gastone Bergamaschi, Brings the Latest Methods for Vascular Surgery to Salus!


Why Does Anxiety Disorder Occur?


What Is Endoscopic Polypectomy?


What Is Liposuction?


International Epilepsy Day


Children's Otorhinolaryngology


Colon Cancer Surgery (Large Intestine)


Orthopedics in SALUS


What is TEA? (Carotid Endarterectomy)


Molecular tests for lung cancer FREE at SALUS!


Maxillofacial surgery in the hands of experts


Do you suffer from migraines?


Quali pazienti con cancro al seno dovrebbero sottoporsi ad analisi genetica della linea germinale?


What is adenoidectomy?


Cranial surgery at SALUS


Win the battle against rheumatism at SALUS Hospital


Problems with gastritis?


Gallbladder removal by laparoscopy


What is arthroscopy and what is it for?


Dr. Alberto Torreggiani - Ophthalmologist


Dr. Gastone Bergamaschi


Open nephrectomy




What is a neurologist for?


Dr. Walter Piubello


What is an inguinal hernia?


Knee prosthesis


My heart beats for you, make that a priority




Advanced implantology


We take care of children with severe problems of psychomotor development


Do you suffer from tonsils?


Italian Plastic Surgery at SALUS


Do you suffer from stomach ulcers?


When was your last visit to the gynecologist?


What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm?


Liver cancer surgery


Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee


Breath Test


What is Gastroscopy for?


Orthopedics of soccer stars


Every new life blooms here!


Surgical treatment of bone fractures


Treatment of kidney stones


Hypertension Package


Hyperpigmentation has no place on your skin


Urological CHECK UP


Department of Urology in Salus


Internal Medicine In Salus


Salus Gives You The Family You've Always Dreamed Of


Ophthalmic CHECK UP




Urologist Dr. Carlo Saltutti




Thyroid Surgery


Surgical treatment of fractures


Removal of Gallstones with ERCP


Salivary Gland Surgery


General CHECK UP


Department of Dentistry


Gynecological Surgery


Dilation of Arteries Below the Knee Through Angiography, Without Surgery


Mitral Valve Repair Surgery


Erectile Dysfunction Can Be Treated


Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Di Placido


Maxillofacial Surgery Team


Stomach Gastroscopy


When Was the Last Time You Checked Your Heart?


Surgical pathologies of the esophagus


Addiction to Narcotic Substances


Ligation Of Esophageal Varices


Eczema treatment


Dr. Valerio Pittoni, Rheumatologist Treating All Types of Arthritis.


Foreign meat in the nose


Removal of cancer from the inner layers of the bladder through TURBT


Thyroid Gland Check Up


Examining Intolerance Through Breath Test


Check Up Varicose Veins


Expect Wrinkle Free Holidays


Cardiology Check Up In Salus


Hanging, Small or Too Big Breasts?


Colon Surgery


Genital prolapse


Salivary Gland Surgery


Open Nephrectomy


Percutaneous Gastrostomy


Dr. Marion Sako, Maxillofacial Surgeon


Dr. Jonida Klosi, Ophthalmologist




Removal of Gallstones with ERCP


Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract


Check Up SST



















